Spiritual Yoga Trails

8 Days

Join one of Our Scheduled Safaris

8 November 2025 - 15 November 2025 Available $5,495
10 Available
15 November 2025 - 22 November 2025 Available $5,495
9 Available

Recharge spiritually and physically in pristine wilderness

We are happy to organize a unique safari experience in our remote walking camp in the heart of the African bush. This special trail is both for beginning and seasoned yogi’s and all other people wishing to participate in the magic of pure and undisturbed African nature. Being completely immersed in nature is a life-changing experience that will rebalance you and reconnect you to yourself. The focus of the trail will be on inviting and stimulating a deep sense of inner peace. You will feel nature’s power and the primal energy of the prolific wildlife that surrounds you. This deep connection with all natural elements and animals will rejuvenate your soul and ground you to the earth again. Early morning and late afternoon yoga or mediation sessions and musical experiences will  be mixed with eventful bush walks and educational game drives.

A unique combination of the power of nature and soul

The bush will invite you to reconnect to her and to yourself. We will coexist peacefully with all big and small animals around us. Observing their behavior in their natural habitat will inspire us on our journey within. We will use different silence, yoga, meditation and other exercises during our walks and will invite you to share your experiences later that day by the campfire. All yoga and meditation sessions will be led by our professional yoga teacher. Your personal sound massage experience will be performed by our very experienced music and massage couple from Costa Rica. They will also arrange all musical celebrations and fire ceremonies.  All bush walks and game drives will be led by our guides who will take care of your safety. They are highly trained and work in a safe and ethical way without impacting nature or its animals.


  • Walking in a private ‘Big 5’ area
  • Staying in an unfenced camp and feeling at ease
  • Reconnecting to your senses and to yourself
  • Yoga classes in the African wilderness
  • Meditation and personal sound massage experience
  • Storytelling and live percussion by the fire
  • Fire and music ceremony
  • Singing and dancing circle at night
  • Getting spiritually and physically energized
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Upon arrival at Maun Airport you will be picked up by your guides and driven to our camp in the Okavango Delta. In our unfenced camp you will get an introduction to the guides plus a safety briefing. We will go on a game drive where we will have sundowners and you will introduce yourself in a circle to the group. We will close the day with a meditation session.

In the next few days we will explore our area to get an understanding of the animal presence and their movements. As we prefer to walk in small groups we will split the group in two smaller groups and alternate the morning and afternoon safari parts of the program for those days. The personal sound massage experience will be held individually throughout the week.


You wake up early for your morning yoga session with percussion by the river. After breakfast you will go on a guided drive after which we will have some short talks about the area we operate in and the main species we will probably encounter on our walks. In the afternoon you will go on a guided walk and learn about the bush in an interactive and dynamic way. In the evening after dinner we will close the day with a meditation session around the campfire.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will wake up early for your morning yoga after which you will have breakfast and go for a walk across the river. If you wish you can walk (part of the trail) barefoot to reconnect to the magnetic field of the earth. You will encounter different animals big and small and learn about their senses and behavior. In the afternoon you go on a guided game drive towards another part of our area and do an evening session of yoga in the wild. After dinner in camp, if the weather allows, we will do an explanation of stars and constellations.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

You will drive to an area rich in wildlife and explore this new area on foot. You wil do a meditation around the oldest tree in the area with live music and vocals. You will examine your chakras 1, 2 and 3 around this 600+ year old giant and you will be asked to share your experiences with the group in the evening. We will have lunch in camp plus some free-time after that. In the afternoon we will have a yoga session at sundown until dark somewhere along a floodplain while the animals come in to drink. We will bring some drinks and snacks and do a night drive back to camp. In the evening after dinner you will be invited to share today’s insights around the campfire.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will pack your walking and some overnight stuff  for our sleep out. Our guides will lead this walk to a pre arranged beautiful overnight spot where we will camp in the wild. The staff will transport our overnight stuff, food and cooking equipment by vehicle. In the evening you will do a fire ceremony and you will explore the 4, 5, 6 and 7 chakras. At night you will keep watch in small groups for two hours while keeping the fire going.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today will be a day of silence. After a special and hopefully peaceful night you will meet the sunrise with a yoga session. After coffe and tea we will pack up camp and the staff will pick us up with the vehicle to go to camp where we will have breakfast. During the day you can rest but of course there is an optional silent bush walk. We will have a special dinner and a fire ceremony with a dance and singing circle to break the silence.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will start your day somewhat later. You have a late breakfast and a relaxing yoga session in camp, the rest of the morning is free-time. After lunch we will drive out to a wonderful spot where you can relax and do a yoga session followed with sundowners. We will have dinner in camp and we wil invite you to share your experiences of this week by the campfire.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

On your last day you wake up early to do your last yoga session at sunrise. After  breakfast and some last packing up you will participate in a wonderful musical closing ceremony of the trip. We will leave camp and drive to civilization to drop you off in Maun where we will say our goodbyes.


The following is included

  • Transfer from Maun to camp and back
  • All accommodation and facilities in camp
  • Vehicles and fuel
  • Guiding activities
  • Yoga and meditation classes
  • One individual sound massage experience per guest
  • All meals and drinks in camp
  • Usage of books and other educational materials
  • Support with travel plans
  • Support with booking flights

The following is excluded

  • Flights
  • Visa costs
  • Travel insurance
  • Accommodation other than planned
  • Transport other than planned
  • Personal expenses
  • Optional excursions
What should I bring regarding my health?

We have a comprehensive First Aid kit in camp, on board our vehicles and on walks; we cannot however cover everything, if you have any medical problems or existing medical conditions please bring enough medication and inform us of these problems as soon as possible.

Do I need vaccinations?

We do not know what you have already been vaccinated for. So for vaccinations, please consult your local GP or health provider.

Do I need to take malaria pills?

Our camp is in a malaria area. Although it is very remote and therefore very unlikely for malaria to occur, it is better to be safe than sorry. We suggest you speak to your local GP or healthcare provider and take the action he/she recommends as there are various differing ideas about what prophylactics to take, if at all. Some of the prophylactics can cause side effects such as nausea, headaches and a lowering of your resistance to the sun and it is important to bear in mind that malaria can be contracted despite taking tablets. We provide insect repellent but you are welcome to bring your own and please use them liberally, especially in the warmer months.

What is the weather like?

Summer (October – April) is hot in the middle of the day, sometimes as high 40 degrees Celsius in October, our hottest month, but this is uncommon, becoming cooler but still warm at night. The average day time temperatures are in the mid 30’s dropping to the low 20’s during the night. Botswana is a summer rainfall region and late afternoon showers can be common from December to April.

What clothing should I bring?

Bring along a good jacket, scarf, gloves and woolen or fleece headwear if you are travelling in winter. It can get quite hot during the day so light summer clothing is also a must. The best was to deal with winter is to dress in layers.

Can I drink the local water?

Although Botswana’s water is generally safe to drink, we supply filtered water. It is important to remember to drink enough water while on safari. If you are traveling in the summer months you should bring rehydration salts to add to your water. One sachet per person per day will be sufficient and will prevent any dehydration problems. Rehydration salts are available in most pharmacies in powder form, which is the most suitable for travel.

Are all food and drinks included?

In Camp all meals are provided; please inform us if you have any special requirements or if you are allergic to any food. Water, tea and coffee and soft drinks are available all day. Wines, beers, spirits are available at sundowners and in the evening.

Are there any limitations for luggage?

On safari we prefer to travel light. If possible restrict to hand luggage only. Otherwise duffel/soft bags are preferable, as these pack easier into aircraft and vehicles, hard cases are not recommended.

Do I need to bring money?

Since your training is prepaid, you will not need to travel with much cash. Botswana currency is in Pula (P) and Thebe(t). Pulas can be collected with your credit- or bank-card at the ATM in Maun before departure to the bush. The best denominations to bring to Botswana are Euro and US Dollars.

Do I need to tip?

Tipping of our staff is optional and the amount is entirely up to you.

What are necessary items to bring?

Binoculars are a must for safari. 10*42 is an ideal magnification, but any will do.
A camera with extra rechargeable batteries.
A good torch, handheld or better: head torches with 3+ LED units (Petzl, Black Scorpion are good brands)

Is there electricity in camp?

As it is almost always sunny, we run on solar power. We have adequate electricity in camp and charging facilities for local, USB and European plugs. USA clients should bring converters to South African or European plugs.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Spiritual Yoga Trails
From $5,495
/ Adult