Join one of Our Scheduled Safaris
AvailableSaturdayApr 5, 2025SaturdayApr 12, 2025$3,9956Available
AvailableSaturdayAug 2, 2025SaturdayAug 9, 2025$3,9956Available
AvailableSaturdayNov 1, 2025SaturdayNov 8, 2025$3,9956Available
Learn leadership based on professional guide training
This trail is especially useful for guests who wish to develop their leadership skills based on professional trails guide training and by guiding their fellow learners in the bush. You will learn to follow before you will learn to lead as we will take you on some walks during the first few days to prepare you for your own leadership. When walking in the bush we carry a rifle with us for safety reasons. In order for you to try to lead walks, we will also teach you and assess you on basic rifle safety. Our trails are open to all adventurous individuals or teams who want to develop their personal and team leadership skills.
Mother Nature as your teacher
Being out of your comfort zone offers great learning potential. Nature will help you to be open and connected to your true self and to tune in to the small group of people that have joined for this week far away from everything. You will learn to plan and communicate a trail based on your team’s wishes, capabilities and expectations and to get their support. You will lead your trail including handling animal encounters, difficult terrain and some unforeseen situations (sometimes called ‘problems’). We also learn from nature in another very special way: many animals show interesting interaction and give great insights for leadership lessons. Your guides will help you to see, understand, interpret and learn from these lessons from nature. After each trail we will do a ‘post mortum’ in order to maximize learning for all participants. Our guides will make sure everything is done in a safe and ethical way without impacting nature or its animals.
- Walking in a private ‘Big 5’ area
- Staying in an unfenced camp and feeling at ease
- Developing your leadership skills
- Tracking and approaching big animals on foot
- Leading bush walks in a ‘Big 5’ area
- Developing a deeper understanding of wildlife behavior
- Gamedrives during day and night
- Navigating using terrain, animals, sun, moon and stars
- A two day walk including a sleep out and keeping watch